How many times do we walk outside of our homes, year after year and we never take the time to look up, down and around at the condition of our home, fences and out buildings?

I am as guilty of this as everyone else. And then we cant believe the cost incurred when something goes wrong with our home, or when we go to sell it and the inspectors find things that we never dreamed about needing maintenance or repair.

When that happens. It takes away the bottom line on how much money we put in our jeans after the sale is done. And also, can make a deal die faster than a soufflé dies when stomping in the kitchen.

I will use an example of a current sale I am dealing with. We received an offer on an extremely well maintained home inside. The house was in such great shape we really saw no issue with the buyer having a inspection. The inspection was done, and everything was awesome. Except it seems that the Summer fan installed in the roof vent had an issue. The issue was that the entire whirly bird cover was missing, and the fan was open to the elements.   Well who would have thought????? No one ever goes on their roof or looks at the top of the roof.


This became an issue because it was the middle of winter and roofers don’t like to go on the roofs in the middle of winter for obvious reasons. So, my sellers had an offer on a place that also was now held up. Due to the fact that this new purchase required Bridge financing and the buyer would not remove conditions until the repair was done and re-inspected.

Luckily for us we had a few good days to get this repair done and all turned out in the end. But as you can imagine. Both deals could have fallen apart for this one issue.


It turns out that the piece had only been missing a short while as there was no real internal damage to the home. But even if the home was not for sale and had remained unmaintained for some months. The outcome could be extremely expensive to repair the fan and all the collateral damage.


So my words of wisdom are. When you are out in the garden, eating lunch on the deck. Or enjoying having friends over for a yard party. Have a look around and take a mental note to look a little closer at some things that need maintenance. And save yourself the stress and expense of not taking care of these things.


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