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Only A Very Few Succeed To Greatness Alone...

We are always looking for the right people to be part of our family. We have franchise opportunities available across Canada through new franchises, mergers and or acquisitional purchases.

We have everything you would need to set up your own successful brokerage business. Whether you are looking to grow and expand or just starting out we have the right solutions for your business. MaxWell franchise offices range from the small boutique offices for one or two people to the large offices with hundreds of agents. We have franchise models available for the small towns to larger city franchises.

You Are Not Alone.

When it comes to running your business your MaxWell franchise consultant is there for you. We can help, we will assist and guide you with your business planning, office setup, operational planning, and training for you, staff and agents. After you are rolling, we are there, standing beside you if you need us with ideas to grow your business.

We would be in business together, we would share our brand, we would share our pride, Integrity, and professionalism … we are the face of MaxWell Real Estate.

What's In a Name

A name and its accompanying reputation are everything. The MaxWell name suggests” Maximum Value and Well-being.” Maximum leadership, support and success.

What's In a Colour

Every colour in the spectrum produces an effect, yellow is warm, happy and vibrant, the colour of the sun. Red is powerful and bold, it represents confidence.

MaxWell Realty’s colours are unique in the industry and are outstanding throughout all the seasons.

What is a Franchise?

A franchise is a clone of a successful business.

- The franchisor has developed a system for reproducing his business model.
- Franchisees rent the franchisor’s trademark and method of doing business.
- The franchisor has a marketable, trusted brand and desirable, duplicable tools.
- Which is already trusted by the Public and be Profitable.

Understanding the Role of the Real Estate Franchise Company

The franchisor continuously presents the franchise brand with a consistent message to the public and Realtor population through various media methods to achieve continued awareness.

Presents and develops broker and agent tools, which will help retain and attract realtors to the Brand. The franchisor’s job is to always be looking for ways to help our brokers and associates build their businesses.

Understanding the Role of the Franchisee – (Brokerage)

A franchisee chooses a brand to share reputations with because:

  • The brand is already successful.
  • The system is already in place
  • The brand is already recognized and trusted by the public and agents.

When a franchisee chooses to start a relationship with a Brand, there are expectations from both Companies for growth, profit, innovation, team work and success in their communities.

The franchisee needs to provide leadership as a Broker, Owner and Manager

  • Create a community relationship and local company awareness.
  • Provide training as needed to agents and provide great tools for agent retention.
  • Continuous image marketing to attract more agents and create a team environment.
  • Must prospect and recruit continuously to get interview appointments for agent growth.

The key to brokerage success is the basics!

  • Means engaging ourselves with our agents for retention.
  • Meeting with our agents to help them with their goals and plans.
  • Training those who need to be trained.
  • Coaching those who need to be coached.
  • Coddling those who need coddling.
  • Recognizing those who need appreciation.
  • Recruiting daily and continuously.
  • All while providing great leadership and attitude.
  • In the world of attraction” right attitude, knowledge and wisdom attract people.